📢RnDAO Newsletter 2024/04

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Published on
January 22, 2024

​📢RnDAO News

​Updates from RnDAO ventures

​Together Crew

​Launching soon: Smart Announcements, a way to turn your announcements into a member engagement tool

​Smart Announcement features helps Community Managers run personalized announcement campaigns based on a member's behavior, and also ensures higher open rates. Resulting in a higher number of members reading the announcements, finding them relevant and taking action.


​Microflow continues the implementation of the 3D governance MVP for Pocket Network, showcasing their commitment to innovation and development. They are in the final stages of completing the MVP for their new service named "Pattern". A successful hiring campaign resulted in two new engineers joining Microflow. They have started their onboarding process and are ready to contribute to the team.


​Harmonica has been busy conducted user research and building a new blog and have recruited a new full-stack developer to their team.

​Services Unit

​Launching a collaborative learning initiative: the Community of Practice

​Services unit unveils a dynamic project aimed at sharing, practicing, and learning effective tools, skills, and methods to enhance collaboration, sense-making, and organizational design. Click here to find out more and watch out for their events here.

​New Faces at RnDAO

​This week we onboarded several newcomers:

​Art-Tech Innovator, DAO Governance Specialist, Former Outlier Ventures DAO specialist, a Tech Startup Veteran, an User Researcher, a Community Manager, a Developer for our venture Harmonica and an AI and Blockchain Explorer.

​Internal Presentation

​V3nture by Antonis Argyros

​RnDAO recently hosted an internal presentation by Antonis Argyros on V3nture, a mission-driven organization crafting the venture-building stack for web3. Learn more about their mission and vision at V3nture.

​​​​🚀RnDAO Events

​​RnDAO Talks Ep.35
DAOs and Their Operating Systems: Observations and Aspirations with Sam Spurlin

​​​Thursday, 25 January 17:00 UTC 1hr

​​​Sam Spurlin, a partner and first employee at The Ready, a consultancy focused on the future of work, has advised numerous organizations over eight years, guiding them towards more effective and people-positive ways of operating. He has extensive experience working with Fortune 500 leaders and led The Ready’s exploration into DAOs from late 2021 to early 2023. Previously, he collaborated with David Allen on the updated edition of "Getting Things Done" and published with Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on the future of work and positive psychology.

​​​During this talk, Sam will delve into the concept that all organizations, whether traditional or decentralized like DAOs, have "operating systems" that define their culture. These systems, comprised of foundational principles and practices, can be intentionally designed. Examining DAOs through the lens of the OS Canvas reveals parallels in the challenges faced by both traditional and decentralized organizations. Additionally, it highlights unique opportunities for DAOs that differ from traditional setups. Understanding these nuances could lead to improvements in DAO functionality.


​Next Community of Practice session: Consent culture & process

​Wednesday, 24 January 16:00 UTC 1hr

​Gain insight on how to start using consent as a means of creating more trust, safety & belonging in your organization or team. You'll also learn why consent is a great approach for making better decision more often leading to more effective governance.


​RnDAO Weekly Onboarding Call

​​​​​​​​​​Wednesday, January 24th at 17:00 UTC 30min

​​​​​Our weekly opportunity to introduce yourself and let us know how we can help you contribute and be part of the team at RnDAO.
